If you attended the 2021 Texas State Trapshoot a 2022 program will be mailed to you.  In addition, each of the sponsors, advertisers, donors, and clubs will also be mailed a program.  Mailed programs should be received on or before April 15th.
The TTA would like to thank all the sponsors, advertisers and donors for their generosity in supporting the Texas State Trapshoot program.  Please thank them personally if you have the opportunity... they are very much appreciated!

Download the 2022 Texas State Shoot program

Good shooting and safe travels.


Forrest Dermid
TTA Sec/Treasurer
texas trap association raffle flyerClick to enlarge
Win a Ruger 5.7 semi-auto pistol in the Texas Trap Shooters Assn raffle. Retail value $750!!!

Donations of $10 per ticket are available at all Zone Club locations. You must be 21 or older to purchase tickets.

The drawing will be held at the Texas State Shoot on July 9th, 2022 in San Antonio, TX.

The winner does not need to be present. The winner MUST be legally able to purchase a firearm and PASS all federal and state requirements.
For more information contact:
Richard Leos
TTA 1st Vice President
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Texas Trap Association Officers

Jeff Renegar - Texas Trap Association PresidentJeff Renegar President
JJ CaswellJJ Caswell 1st Vice President
Clif AltomClif Altom 2nd Vice President
Billy Hopson
Bill Hopson ATA Delegate
Jerry O'ConnorJerry O'Connor
1st Alternate Delegate
Gino PradoGino Prado 2nd Alternate Delegate
dieter beckerRandall Boeding Secretary
dieter beckerDieter Becker Treasurer