Don't miss the newest shoot on the TTA calendar - Hell'$ Half Acre held at Ft Worth Skeet & Trap Club March 22-24, 2024.

moneybag1rPrizes for all events is

Fri. March 22

Event 1: 50 Pair Doubles
Event 2: 50 Pair Doubles
Event 3: 100 Handicap

Sat. March 23
Event 4: 200 Singles

Sun. March 24
Event 5: 50 Pair Doubles
Event 6: 100 Handicap

Championship events are on Saturday & Sunday. 

Event program   Presquad on

Texas Trap Association Officers

Jeff Renegar - Texas Trap Association PresidentJeff Renegar President
JJ CaswellJJ Caswell 1st Vice President
Clif AltomClif Altom 2nd Vice President
Billy Hopson
Bill Hopson ATA Delegate
Jerry O'ConnorJerry O'Connor
1st Alternate Delegate
Gino PradoGino Prado 2nd Alternate Delegate
dieter beckerRandall Boeding Secretary
dieter beckerDieter Becker Treasurer