San Antonio Gun Club logo

Be sure to add the Bob Robert Memorial Shoot to your shoot calendar. It will be held at San Antonio Gun Club May 17-19, 2024 !

Fri. May 17

200 Doubles

Sat. May 18
Event 1: 200 Singles

Sun. May 19
Event 2: 50 Pair Doubles
Event 3: 100 Handicap


  • Singles, Doubles & Handicap Champions will receive an Event Champion Trophy.
  • HAA winner will receive a HAA Champion Trophy and name put on Club Trophy.
  • The HAA Lady, Junior, Jr. Gold, Sub Vet, Vet, Sr. Vet, AA/A/B/C/D classes will receive an-HAA Trophy.
  • HAA is the winner of the 400 targets, Events 1, 2, 3.
  • Sunday’s Hdc Special Event payout, 70/30 buyer-shooter. 3 places 50-30-20.
  • Sunday’s Hdc Special Event auction will take place during event #1 lunch break.


SAGC Trap Shooters and White Flyer Targets will provide a Free lunch ☺ to the shooters during event #1.

Event program   Presquad on

Texas Trap Association Officers

Jeff Renegar - Texas Trap Association PresidentJeff Renegar President
JJ CaswellJJ Caswell 1st Vice President
Clif AltomClif Altom 2nd Vice President
Billy Hopson
Bill Hopson ATA Delegate
Jerry O'ConnorJerry O'Connor
1st Alternate Delegate
Gino PradoGino Prado 2nd Alternate Delegate
dieter beckerRandall Boeding Secretary
dieter beckerDieter Becker Treasurer